Customise WAYF

I did it myWAYF ...

At you can set personal preferences for using WAYF.

You can see what services you have at some point accessed from what identity providers in the browser you are using. A number of lines of the form service / identity provider are displayed — meaning that you have at some point accessed service using an account from identity provider. You can delete such a line by clicking an amber cross on the line — with effects described below:

You can delete preselection of identity provider

You may at some point have accepted a proposal that WAYF automatically directs you to a particular identity provider whenever you attempt to access a particular service — rather than letting you choose an identity provider from a list whenever you want to access the service in question. If you wish to choose a different identity provider the next time you attempt to access that service, you can achieve this by first visiting and there deleting the line starting with the name of the service.

You can have the information page re-displayed

When you attempted to access a particular service from a particular institution for the first time, WAYF may have shown you a page informing you of what personal data about you were transferred from the identity provider to the service provider on your login attempt. If you wish to see this informative page again the next time you attempt to log in at the service using an account from the identity provider in question, you can achieve this by first visiting and there deleting the line starting with the name of the service.