480 services accepting logins from WAYF user organisations:
See services from eduGAIN partners(Click here to see what userattributes each service receives)
Service | Description | Attributes | |
AAU Job Bank | AAU Job Bank | eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
AAU Testing Service | AAU Testing Service | cn eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonAssurance eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID entryUUID gn isMemberOf norEduPersonLIN norEduPersonNIN oioCvrNumberIdentifier organizationName preferredLanguage schacCountryOfCitizenship schacDateOfBirth schacGender schacHomeOrganization schacHomeOrganizationType schacPersonalUniqueCode schacPersonalUniqueID schacYearOfBirth sn sn street | |
AU CV Upload | CV upload for employees on Aarhus University | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
AU Verificér | To re-confirm your AU identity using MitID. | norEduPersonNIN | |
AU-CMS | To provide access to the CMS of Aarhus University in a way that makes it possible to show your name in the system and let others contact you by e-mail. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Aarhus Public Libraries | To enable you to view status and book materials. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Aarhus City Archives' File Submission | To enable citizens to submit their files of historical significance to the City Archive for future preservation. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Adobe Connect LTI Proxy Test Environment | Adobe Connect LTI Proxy Test Environment. LTI Tool Provider for Consumers (LMSs) that wish to enable LTI basic launch integration to Adobe Connect. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Adobe Connect LTI Proxy | Adobe Connect LTI Proxy. LTI Tool Provider for Consumers (LMSs) that wish to enable LTI basic launch integration to Adobe Connect. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Adobe Connect | To give all users at institutions under DeIC an ability to hold online meetings, and perform virtual collaboration. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Adobe IBA | [internal service at IBA] | gn sn | |
Adobe RUC | Adobe RUC | gn sn | |
Adobe SSO | Adobe SSO | gn sn | |
Alma UCL | Alma UCL | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Alma UCL | Alma UCL | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Alma UCSYD | Alma UCSYD | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Altinget | Altinget is a neutral political niche medium, backed by one of the largest Christiansborg editorial teams. | cn eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Amberscript | Amberscript allows you to automatically create text and subtitles from audio or video files you upload. | cn displayName eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Applicant Portal Cphbusiness | To allow Cphbusiness applicants to accept student places offered to them and to allow Chbusiness staff to manage the portal. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Applicant Portal Zealand Business College | To allow Zealand Business College applicants to accept student places offered to them and to allow Chbusiness staff to manage the portal. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
Application Portal (formerly STADS-DANS) | For the handling of applications for admission to Danish universities – from both Danish and international students. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacCountryOfCitizenship schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
Artesis University College Absalon | To provide employees and students at the Danish University Colleges a personalised access to administrative status information picked up from the library system Integra. | eduPersonPrincipalName organizationName | |
Artesis Metropolitan University College | To provide employees and students at the Danish University Colleges a personalised access to administrative status information picked up from the library system Integra. | eduPersonPrincipalName organizationName | |
Artesis UCN | To provide employees and students at the Danish University Colleges a personalised access to administrative status information picked up from the library system Integra. | eduPersonPrincipalName organizationName | |
Artesis University College South Denmark | To provide employees and students at the Danish University Colleges a personalised access to administrative status information picked up from the library system Integra. | eduPersonPrincipalName organizationName | |
Artesis UCL University College | To provide employees and students at the Danish University Colleges a personalised access to administrative status information picked up from the library system Integra. | eduPersonPrincipalName organizationName | |
Artesis VIA University College | To provide employees and students at the Danish University Colleges a personalised access to administrative status information picked up from the library system Integra. | eduPersonPrincipalName organizationName | |
Article Writing Tool | To support the planning, writing, and structuring of scientific and academic articles produced by particularly research students and researchers. | eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Aurora courses – University of Iceland | Courses offered by the University of Iceland for students from the Aurora partner universities. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
B!NKO | To provide personalised access to systematic information search training. | cn eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization | |
BSS-Blackboard | To authenticate prospective, current and former students and educators to BSS-Blackboard whereby they can get access to course material. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation preferredLanguage | |
BYG-ERFA Foundation | To provide access to accounts of practical experience in construction. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Bevissystem.dk | To provide diplomas to students graduating from Danish University Colleges. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
Blackboard DTU | To enable DTU users to test the Blackboard learning management system. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Blackboard University College South Denmark | To provide a learning management system for people with user accounts at University College South Denmark. | cn eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger | To offer up to date handbooks on leadership subjects written by specialists. | eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
CAT-app | Vurdér muligheden for skift af AK-behandling fra heparin til DOAC. | cn eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
CBS Exam Assignment Archive | To maintain an archive of exam papers for CBS. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
CBS Workflow encrypted | CBS Workflow encrypted | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID | |
CBS Workflow | CBS Workflow | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID | |
CIRCLEU SP proxy | CIRCLEU SP proxy | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID | |
CLAAUDIA | CLAAUDIA | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
CLARIN-DK DSpace Repository | To give humanities and social scientists a personalised access to a Danish platform for language resources, tools and notifications. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
CN Wiki Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management | To give School IT users access to the CNWiki platform. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Campus | Campus | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Campusnet Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management | To give School IT users access to the Campusnet platform. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Canvas DTU | To enable DTU users to test the Canvas e-learning platform. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Canvas University of Iceland | The learning management system of the University of Iceland | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Canvas UCN | To provide the Canvas learning management system for users at UCN. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Carve | Carve | eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Censor-IT | To distribute examiners for the examinations conducted at Danish university colleges. | eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
Examiner System | To manage examiners and exams at Danish universities. | cn schacHomeOrganization | |
Censorum | Censorum | cn eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
Central | BordingCentral is a marketing platform for organisations' online sale to til their own members, enabling any member to place orders with automatic invoicing of the organisational unit to which the member belongs. | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn isMemberOf organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Cert Chat | Cert Chat | cn eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID | |
Cert MISP | Cert Malware Information Sharing Project | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID | |
Clio Online Easy Access | To allow teachers and learners access to the elements of Clio Online's web based teaching resources subscribed to by your institution. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Clio Online | To allow teachers and learners access to the elements of Clio Online's web based teaching resources subscribed to by your institution. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Clio | To allow teachers and learners access to the elements of Clio Online's web based teaching resources subscribed to by your institution. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
CodeJudge | The purpose of CodeJudge is to allow students to evaluate and hand-in program code written as a part of their education. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
CourseCalendar | To allow sign-ups for courses at Forskeruddannelsen, Health, Aarhus University. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID norEduPersonLIN schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Cphbusiness Anmodninger og Samtykke | To allow students, employees and other citizens to make formal inquiries to Cphbusiness and to give consent to use of personal data. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
Cphbusiness Intranet | To provide staff access to intranet services. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
Cphbusiness Moodle | The purpose of Cphbusiness Moodle is to give students and employees access to Cphbusiness' LMS. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
Cphbusiness Webshop | Webshop for Cphbusiness | eduPersonPrincipalName isMemberOf schacHomeOrganization | |
CustomGPT.ai Cphbusiness | [internal service at Cphbusiness] | gn | |
DANBIO | To ensure efficient treatment of patients with inflammatory rheumatological diseases, treatment follow-up, and availability of data for rheumatological research. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
DANS PRE | DANS PRE | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacCountryOfCitizenship schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
DEFF Common Proxy CBA | To grant students and employees at CBA access to some online resources. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy College360 | To grant students and employees at College360 access to some online resources. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg (RAMA) | To grant students and employees at the Royal Academy of Music Aarhus/Aalborg (RAMA) access to some online resources. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation | To grant students and staff at Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation access to select online resources. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Business Academy Aarhus | To grant students and employees at Business Academy Aarhus access to selected online libraries.. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy IT University of Copenhagen | To grant students and employees at the IT University of Copenhagen access to select online libraries covered by that institution’s DEFF subscription. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Engineering College of Aarhus | To grant students and employees at the Engineering College of Aarhus access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (KEA) | To grant students and employees at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (KEA) access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy University College Copenhagen (formerly Metropolitan University College) | To grant students and employees at the Metropolitan University College access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy University College Copenhagen (formerly University College Capital (UCC)) | To grant students and employees at the UCC access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy University College Absalon | To grant students and employees at the University College Absalon access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy UCN | To grant students and employees at the University College of Northern Denmark access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Central Denmark Region | To grant students and employees at the Central Denmark Region access to some online resources. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Central Denmark Region | To grant students and employees at the Central Denmark Region access to some online resources. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Central Denmark Region | To grant students and employees at the Central Denmark Region access to some online resources. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Central Denmark Region | To grant students and employees at the Central Denmark Region access to some online resources. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy Region Zealand | To grant students and employees at Region Zealand access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy University College South Denmark | To grant students and employees at the University College South Denmark access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy UCL University College | To grant students and employees at University College Lillebaelt access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy VIA University College, Campus Horsens | To grant students and employees at VIA University College, Campus Horsens access to select online services. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy VIA University College | To grant students and employees at the VIA University College access to select online libraries. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DEFF Common Proxy | To provide students and employees at certain institutions access to some online resources. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DIGHUMLAB Learning Platform and Online Courses | To conduct online courses related to research themes within the DIGHUMLAB project, including e.g. courses on video and interaction analysis. A diploma, in the form of a digital badge, is awarded for each course passed. | eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
DISKURS | To store and publish master's theses written at the University of Copenhagen. | cn eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
DK-CLARIN | To give humanities and social scientists a personalised access to a Danish platform for language resources, tools and notifications. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
DTU Compute GitLab | DTU Compute GitLab | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
DTU Readmission Exemption | Exemption application with regards to readmission at DTU. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
DTU Job Bank | DTU Job Bank | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Technical University of Denmark | To provide access to DTU's systems through NemLog-in. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
DeIC National HPC Centre, SDU | To manage user access to the HPC centre. | cn eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
DeiC DDPS | The purpose of this EduVPN service is to assign authorised network administrators access for making BGP FlowSpec rules for IP traffic towards their networks | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
DeiC DMP | To facilitate the making of data management plans. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID | |
DeiC DMP | To facilitate the making of data management plans. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID | |
DeiC DNS Admin | To enable institutions to edit DNS records hosted by DeiC. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
DeiC Dashboard | DeiC Dashboard | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
DeiC Dataverse | DeiC Dataverse | eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
DeiC Gateway | DeiC Gateway | cn eduPersonTargetedID gn | |
DeiC Grand Unified SP | DeiC Grand Unified SP | cn eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID | |
DeiC Institutional VPN | DeiC Institutional VPN | eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName isMemberOf schacHomeOrganization | |
DeiC Conference Registration | For online registration for the DeiC Conference in 2018. | cn eduPersonTargetedID gn | |
DeiC SSH Certificate Authority | DeiC SSH Certificate Authority | eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName isMemberOf | |
DeiC Storage | DeiC Storage | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName schacCountryOfCitizenship schacHomeOrganization uid | |
DeiC Zoom | DeiC Zoom | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn isMemberOf schacHomeOrganization sn | |
DeiC eduSign | DeiC eduSign | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID | |
DeiC eduSign | DeiC eduSign | cn displayName eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
DeiC eduSign | DeiC eduSign | displayName eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Bibliographical Research Indicator | To provide access to proposing new channels of publication for the authoritative lists, assign levels to these publication channels, and provide access to research data from the Danish universities. | cn eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
The Royal Danish Library | The Royal Danish Library | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Royal Danish Library - Self-service | Royal DanishLibrary - Self-service | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
DiBL | A full learning platform for organizations to create an engaging facilitated learning experience with game elements built on solid learning pedagogies. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization | |
Diavok – Find what sounds like a word | The purpose of 'Diavok – Find what sounds like a word' is to measure the extent to which the testing subject uses the phonetic principle of writing when decoding words. Individual and group test for i.a. screening for dyslexia. Standards ranging from 7th grade up until adults, both dyslectics and regular readers. | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization schacHomeOrganizationType | |
Digital Exam Aalborg University | To allow external co-examiners on exams at Aalborg University to access the Digital Exam system. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Digital Exam Aarhus University | To give students participating in examinations, educators, and administrative employees access to Digital Eksamen, enabling them to fetch and hand in material used for examinations, and to validate responses, respectively. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Digital Exam Copenhagen Business School | To give students participating in examinations, educators, internal examinators and administrative employees access to Digital Eksamen, enabling them to fetch and hand in material used for examinations, and to validate responses, respectively. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Digital Exam Technical University of Denmark | To give the university's students, employees, and examiners access to the digital examination system, enabling both the submission, planning, and validation of examinations. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Digital Exam Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation | To give the university's students, employees, and examiners access to the digital examination system, enabling both the submission, planning, and validation of examinations. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Digital ExamRoyal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation | To give the university's students, employees, and examiners access to the digital examination system, enabling both the submission, planning, and validation of examinations. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Digital Exam University of Southern Denmark | To give the university's students, employees, and examiners access to the digital examination system, enabling both the submission, planning, and validation of examinations. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Digital ID | Digital ID is a cloud-based platform designed to simplify identity and access management across various systems. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn uid | |
Digital Pligtaflevering - PROD | Digital legal deposit - PROD | eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
Docendo | The purpose of the service is to schedule and plan the school day and the year of the school. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
EBSCOhost | To provide a premier online research service, including full-text databases, subject indexes, point-of-care medical reference, historical digital archives, and e-books. | eduPersonTargetedID | |
ELMS (e-academy License Management System) | To distribute software to students, faculty, and staff which is either free (i.e. Microsoft, VMware etc.) or has significant academic discounts that can be acquired via the website *.onthehub.com. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
EMREX | To enable digital transfer of achievement records between institutions of higher education in Europe. | gn schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
ERDA | ERDA | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName schacCountryOfCitizenship schacHomeOrganization uid | |
ERUA Issuer Roskilde Universitet (RUC) | ERUA Issuer Roskilde Universitet (RUC) | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
ERUA Issuer Roskilde Universitet (RUC) | ERUA Issuer Roskilde Universitet (RUC) | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
ESAS PREPROD | ESAS [PREPROD] | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
ESAS PREPROD | ESAS [PREPROD] | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
ESAS PREPROD-UDV | ESAS [PREPROD-UDV] | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
ESAS | ESAS is the student administrative system in Denmark for university colleges, business academies, and some of the maritime institutions. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
ESAS | ESAS | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
Edu Moodle | Edu Moodle is Aalborg University's learning platform for Continuing education and training, PhD courses, Research projects etc. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Education Esbjerg | E.1 is a new, visionary education platform, with business cooperation and digitisation the central building building blocks. | displayName eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Egencia | Egencia | ||
Exam Complaints Technical University of Denmark | The Exam Complaints system is used for handling exam complaints at DTU. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Examination Plan Cphbusiness | [internal service at Cphbusiness] | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Evaluation KEA Management | To give users access to the Evaluation platform. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Evaluation Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management | To give users access to the Evaluation platform. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Evaluation Zealand Management | To give users access to the Evaluation platform. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Exam Monitor | To enable users to start a system that will monitor their digital exam. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Excelsior | [internal service at AU] | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
FOREFRONT | FOREFRONT is a research database of the Department of the Built Environment of Aalborg University. | displayName eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
FacilityNet | The purpose of FacilityNet is to give online access for employees to plan meetings and order catering. www.facilitynet.io is a cloud platform to streamline meeting planning. | mail schacHomeOrganization | |
Course Catalog Cphbusiness | [internal service at Cphbusiness] | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Course Catalog Cphbusiness | [internal service at Cphbusiness] | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Fashion Accelerator Branding | To deliver a personalised digital learning place for instruction of great interest at the moment in online strategic fashion branding, beneficial to students and teachers alike. | eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Feedbackbox | Feedbackbox empowers your students to request and easily keep track of feedback and other learning indicators. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn preferredLanguage schacHomeOrganization sn | |
FileMaker Cphbusiness | FileMaker Cphbusiness | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID isMemberOf | |
FileSender | To enable file sharing with other users. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonTargetedID | |
Fluido SANDBOX | Fluido SANDBOX | cn displayName eduPersonTargetedID gn mobile organizationName preferredLanguage schacCountryOfCitizenship schacDateOfBirth schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
Fonde | Fonde | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
ADVIN Research Project – back trial | To improve treatment of back-pain sufferers. We use CPR no. to extract your name, gender, and age. | cn schacPersonalUniqueID | |
ADVIN Research Project – back trial | To improve treatment of back-pain sufferers. We use CPR no. to extract your name, gender, and age. | cn schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Danish Defence Research Database | For registration of research in the Danish Defence. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Fronter Cphbusiness | To provide an e-learning platform for Cphbusiness. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
Fronter University College Absalon | To use Fronter as an e-learning platform. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
Fronter UCL University College | To provide an e-learning platform for University College Lillebaelt. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
Fronter | To provide a learning platform for students and teachers. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
G Suite Cphbusiness | To put G Suite at the disposal of Cphbusiness users. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
G Suite IT University of Copenhagen | For students and staff at IT University of Copenhagen can access Google Apps directly. | gn sn | |
Gartner | Gartner | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation gn sn | |
Gefin | This information is required to identify you to the Gefin framework. This login is only useful for people who are involved in a project that uses the framework or have been in discussion with the project team that they need some kind of access not already available in the public interface. | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName | |
NORDUnet GitLab | The NORDUnet GitLab service | displayName eduPersonTargetedID | |
Glossematics | The Glossematics service provides access to digitised primary sources for research on glossematics. | cn displayName eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
Glossematics | The Glossematics service provides access to digitised primary sources for research on glossematics. | cn displayName eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
GrammarSoft | GrammarSoft ApS is a Danish language technology company that offers tools for automatic grammatical analysis, proofing and translation, covering many European languages. RetMig is a Danish spellchecker that also handles grammatical errors, while Commatizer identifies Danish punctuation errors. Both classify errors and can therefore provide examples and explanations. In the same fashion, Commatizer and Kommatroll correct English and German errors, respectively. In addition, Kommatroll also works as a spellchecker. | eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
Grand Unified DB UI | Grand Unified DB UI | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID isMemberOf | |
Gyldendal Education | To provide an array of educational materials for all levels of education. | eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Gyldendal's Dictionaries | To provide a set of online dictionaries where you may look up an unlimited number of words in the dictionaries to which your educational institution has bought access. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Handlingsplaner Cphbusiness | To allow students to submit and accept study plans. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Happenings | Happenings offers you a digital, verified student ID, and a platform for exploring what happens around you at and outside school. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn isMemberOf organizationName preferredLanguage schacDateOfBirth schacGender schacHomeOrganization schacHomeOrganizationType schacPersonalUniqueCode schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
INNOMATE®HR | To support strategic employee performance reviewing and development, and streamline HR work flows. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
INNOMATE®HR | To support strategic employee performance reviewing and development, and streamline HR work flows. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
INSEEC | INSEEC | cn isMemberOf preferredLanguage | |
IRIS – Icelandic Research Information System | Active researchers within the IRIS consortium automatically have access to the system via their institution. Researchers need to log in to get access to their personal page and manage their research information. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
ISIC – Student Verification Service | To verify that you are a student. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation schacHomeOrganization | |
ISIC – Student Verification Service | To verify that you are a student. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation schacHomeOrganization | |
IT Teaching Tools | To distribute knowledge about, and access to, various online tools that can be used in connection with teaching. | eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
IT University CMS | To allow university editors to edit the university website. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
IT University Intranet | For provide access to study-related and research-related information. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
ITU Jobbank | ITU Jobbank is the official career portal for students and graduates from IT University of Copenhagen. | eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
ITU Password Reset | To enable registered users to reset their ITU passwords using NemLog-in. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
ITU Webmail | To provide web access to the ITU mail system for students and employees at the IT University of Copenhagen. | eduPersonTargetedID | |
Ibistic Services | To handle and approve supplier invoices in a web-based solution. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Ibistic | To handle and approve supplier invoices in a web-based solution. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
ActivityLog | To be used internally in the Department, for you as an employee, to register your activities. After logging your activities you get an overview of logged activities and commitments. ActivityLog is a tool that helps employees, administration, as well as management. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Inspera University of Iceland | Inspera Assessment is a leading European SaaS provider for high stakes assessment. | eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
Integra | To search all Danish libraries's materials. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
JAS | JAS allows participating educational institutions to manage registration for adult education | eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
JAS | JAS allows participating educational institutions to manage registration for adult education. | eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
JobTeaser DTU | JobTeaser DTU | gn sn | |
Job Database | Database with Danish job adverts supportive of statistic analyses of the labour market's demands within different periods of time, fields, geographical areas, company profiles etc. | displayName eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName organizationName preferredLanguage schacHomeOrganization | |
KEA Course Catalog | [internal service at KEA] | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
KEA Educations | [internal service at KEA] | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
KU Apex | norEduPersonNIN | ||
KU Apex | norEduPersonNIN | ||
KU MFA | norEduPersonNIN | ||
KULIV.dk | KULIV.dk | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation uid | |
Kahoot! | Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. | gn sn | |
Kaltura AAMS | Kaltura AAMS | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Kaltura DMJX | [internal service at DMJX] | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Kaltura DTU | Kaltura DTU | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn isMemberOf sn | |
Kaltura IT University of Copenhagen | Kaltura IT University of Copenhagen | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Kaltura Copenhagen University College | Kaltura Copenhagen University College | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Kaltura University of Copenhagen | Kaltura University of Copenhagen | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Kaltura University College Absalon | Kaltura University College Absalon | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn isMemberOf sn | |
Kaltura University College Absalon | Kaltura University College Absalon | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Kaltura UC SYD | [internal service at UC SYD] | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn uid | |
CAS-Kemibrug | To provide access to the statutory workplace safety instructions and to enable you to register your own chemicals, and to print labels. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
CAS-Kemibrug | To provide access to the statutory workplace safety instructions and to enable you to register your own chemicals, and to print labels. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
CAS-Kemibrug | To provide access to the statutory workplace safety instructions and to enable you to register your own chemicals, and to print labels. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Keyboard Pro | To provide personalised access to learn professional keyboard skills. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Kolding Public Libraries | To enable staff and registered readers to log into the systems of Kolding Public Libraries. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Konch.ai | Konch.ai lets you upload your audio/video files with an intuitive web interface, and have editable transcripts ready in minutes. | displayName eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
University of Copenhagen | To allow unicph domain access through NemID for anyone with a KU username: staff, students, and studentship applicants. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
LARM.fm | To establish a digital archive with the appropriate tools and a bibliography to enable researchers to search and describe the many recordings of the radiophonic cultural heritage. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
LAWschool.dk | LAWschool.dk is a comprehensive e-learning platform for law studies. | eduPersonTargetedID | |
LUDUS | LUDUS | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
LearnIT 2 | To provide a learning management system to support courses at the IT University of Copenhagen. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
LearnIT ITU | To provide a learning management system to support courses at the IT University of Copenhagen. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
LearnIT | To provide a learning management system to support courses at the IT University of Copenhagen. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Libsearch | Libsearch | gn norEduPersonNIN sn | |
Libsearch | Libsearch | gn norEduPersonNIN sn | |
Libsearch | Libsearch | gn norEduPersonNIN sn | |
LinkedIn Learning Cphbusiness | LinkedIn Learning Cphbusiness | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
Litteraturleksikon | Litteraturleksikon | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
MDOC UCL | MDOC UCL | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
MOCH | MOCH | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
Monday Morning | To give access to analyses and articles at mm.dk. | eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Mecenat | To grant access to a service selling discounted items to students. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Medie- og kommunikationsleksikon | To provide access to a Danish platform for a comprehensive encyclopedia for media and communication. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Mediestream | To grant access to Mediestream - the gateway to the digital collections of the State and University Library. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Midtx | To provide a digital platform for Central Denmark Region employees’ collaboration with externals. | eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
Mindstudy | To supply study-related guidance to pupils and students at subscribing educational institutions. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
My Studying Activities | My Studying Activities | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Mit AU | To provide people currently or potentially affiliated with Aarhus University access to user-friendly self-service. | gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
Mit SKI | Mit SKI | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
MitAkademi | To handle communication with applicants to the Royal Academy. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID | |
MitID for SDU | To provide access to the systems of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) through MitID by logging into SDU's single-sign-on system. | displayName gn schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
Mitstudie.au.dk | Digital student services at Aarhus University | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn sn | |
Moodle Cphbusiness | Moodle Cphbusiness | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName uid | |
Moodlerooms Cphbusiness | The purpose of Moodle Cphbusiness is to give students and employees access to Cphbusiness' LMS. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
MoveON EAL | To facilitate the management of international activities at Lillebaelt Academy. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation gn sn | |
MoveON University College South Denmark | [internal service at University College South Denmark] | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation gn sn | |
MoveON University College South Denmark | [internal service at University College South Denmark] | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation gn sn | |
MoveON UCL University College | To facilitate the management of international activities at University College Lillebaelt. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn localityName organizationName ou postalAddress schacCountryOfCitizenship schacGender schacPersonalUniqueCode sn | |
MoveON UCL University College | To facilitate the management of international activities at University College Lillebaelt. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation gn schacPersonalUniqueCode sn | |
MoveOn PHA | MoveOn PHA | gn schacPersonalUniqueCode sn | |
NBI Application Server | To provide various services directed towards employees and students at UCPH. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation schacHomeOrganization sn | |
NBI Application Server | To provide access to NBI web services. | eduPersonAssurance eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
NeIC Community Wikis | To provide a place where NeIC members and partners can share and spread information. | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID | |
NemID for SDU | To provide access to the systems of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) through NemID by logging into SDU's single-sign-on system. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
NemLog-in (MitID) Aalborg University | Identitetsverificering via NemLog-in (MitID) | norEduPersonNIN | |
NemLog-in (MitID) Aalborg University | NemLog-in (MitID) Aalborg University | norEduPersonNIN | |
NemLog-in University of Copenhagen | NemLog-in University of Copenhagen | norEduPersonNIN | |
NemLog-in UCL AA | NemLog-in UCL AA | norEduPersonNIN | |
NemLog-in UCL NAM | NemLog-in UCL NAM | cn cprUuid displayName eduPersonAssurance gn norEduPersonNIN schacDateOfBirth sn | |
Password Reset | To enable staff and students at Aalborg University to create new AAU account passwords based on their NemIDs. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Odense Central Library | To provide registered readers access through NemID to the library's self-service facilities, e.g. booking, reserving, renewing materials; paying debts; and signing up for reminders. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Okeanos DeIC | To put virtual machines and storage at the disposal of people affiliated with any Danish higher educational institution. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Open Test SP | Open Test SP | cn displayName eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonAssurance eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn norEduPersonLIN organizationName preferredLanguage role schacCountryOfCitizenship schacDateOfBirth schacHomeOrganization schacHomeOrganizationType schacPersonalUniqueID schacYearOfBirth sn | |
Opgaveaflevering Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management | To give School IT users access to the Opgaveaflevering platform. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Ordbogen.com | To provide an online dictionary in which you can look up an unlimited number of words in the dictionaries bought by your educational institution. | eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
Ordbogen.com | To provide an online dictionary in which you can look up an unlimited number of words in the dictionaries bought by your educational institution. | eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
Ordlab ('WordLab') | Ordlab ('WordLab') comprises +250 instructional videos for the newest and most relevant common-platform technologies for assisting reading and writing. Ordlab also enables access to a text-to-speech programme and a pronunciation trainer. | eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
Overleaf | The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn isMemberOf preferredLanguage sn | |
PACE | PACE | displayName gn sn uid | |
PHPh | For the editing of federation metadata. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID | |
Panopto Aarhus University | To provide a media sharing platform for Aarhus University students and staff. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Panopto Cphbusiness | To provide a media sharing platform for Cphbusiness students and staff. | gn sn | |
Panopto Technical University of Denmark | To provide a media sharing platform for Technical University of Denmark students and staff. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn isMemberOf sn uid | |
Panopto Absalon University College | To provide a media sharing platform for Absalon University College students and staff. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Panopto TEC | To provide a media sharing platform for TEC students and staff. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Papirfly UC SYD | UC-SYD Papirfly SSO | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Pathology Images | To provide access to the three atlases: (1) Dermatopathology, (2) Fetal and Neonatal Pathology, (3) Pathology for Pre-graduate Students of Medicine. The atlases may serve as sources of teaching material for pre-graduate as well as postgraduate students of pathology. | eduPersonTargetedID | |
Peergrade.io | To allow students to give feedback on the work of other students. | eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn norEduPersonLIN organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Philips Education Suite Tutor | For the creation and management of online courses, lecture materials and tests based on digital whole slide images. | cn eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Philips Education Suite Tutor | For the creation and management of online courses, lecture materials and tests based on digital whole slide images. | cn eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Plandisc Cphbusiness | Plandisc Cphbusiness | gn sn | |
Polyteknisk Forening | Please login with your DTU login to access PF's servers. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Polyteknisk Forening | Please login with your DTU login to access PF's servers | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Polyteknisk Forening | Please login with your DTU login to apply for a PF-mail. | eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName preferredLanguage schacDateOfBirth schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Postbox at RUC | Postbox at RUC | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID norEduPersonNIN | |
Primo UCL | Primo UCL | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Primo VE UCSYD | Primo VE UCSYD | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Pure Aarhus University | To give access to Aarhus University research registration and personas for qualified users. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
Pure Absalon | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Pure DMJX | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Pure University of the Faroe Islands | To give access to the University of the Faroe Islands' research registration and personas for qualified users. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
Pure KP | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Pure University of Copenhagen | To give qualified users access to the research registration and personas of University of Copenhagen. | norEduPersonLIN | |
Pure UC SYD | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Pure UCL | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Pure UCN | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Pure VIA | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Pure for the Royal Danish Academy, Design School Kolding, and Aarhus School of Architecture. | Pure for the Royal Danish Academy, Design School Kolding, and Aarhus School of Architecture. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
REFEDs wiki | to collect and present information about eID federations in Europe and beyond from relevant persons and organisations. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName | |
RUC Examiner Login | To grant examiners access to RUC's exam module. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
RUC Jobbank | RUC Jobbank is the official career portal for students and graduates from RUC. | eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
RUC Password Recovery | RUC Password Recovery | eduPersonPrincipalName norEduPersonNIN | |
RUC Video | To provide a media sharing platform for RUC users. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Ramboll Results | To enable users of SurveXact to manage advanced data collection and collaboration tasks. | eduPersonAssurance eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn norEduPersonLIN schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Research Professional | To provide an intuitive platform for online access to news and funding services. | eduPersonTargetedID | |
Researchplanner | ResearchPlanner supports the management of PhD processes by providing detailed information for all stakeholders: PhD's, their supervisors, and administrators. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Roskilde University (RUC) | To allow employees and students at RUC to log into the University's single sign-on system, including, in particular, to change or initiate passwords without helpdesk assistance. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Roskilde University (RUC) | To enable newly admitted RUC students to confirm their student places using NemID. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Roskilde University (RUC) | To enable newly admitted RUC students to confirm their student places using NemID. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Royal Society of Chemistry Publications Online | To give researchers in the chemical sciences access to Royal Society of Chemistry Journals (1841 to date), eBooks (1968 to date) and Database content delivered via the RSC publishing platform. | eduPersonScopedAffiliation schacHomeOrganization | |
SAS Download | To give access to SAS® software for qualified users. Users vil receive license keys by e-mail. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
SCALGO Live | To provide a national collaborative platform for working with terrain data and flood risk in climate change adaptation, city planning, emergency services, stream administration, and more. | cn displayName eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
SKI SSO | SKI SSO | cn | |
STADS Decentralised Results Registration Aalborg University | To register grades for students. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
STADS Decentralised Results Registration Aarhus University | To register grades for students. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
STADS Self-service Aalborg University | STADS Self-service Aalborg University | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
STADS Self-Service Aarhus University | To authenticate prospective, current and former students to the Student Administrative System, STADS, at Aarhus University, whereby they can see and update relevant information. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
STADS Self-Service Aarhus University | To authenticate prospective, current and former students to the Student Administrative System, STADS, at Aarhus University, whereby they can see and update relevant information. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
STADS Self-Service Aarhus University | To authenticate prospective, current and former students to the Student Administrative System, STADS, at Aarhus University, whereby they can see and update relevant information. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
STADS Self-Service Aarhus University | To authenticate prospective, current and former students to the Student Administrative System, STADS, at Aarhus University, whereby they can see and update relevant information. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
STADS Self-service Royal Danish Academy | STADS Self-service Royal Danish Academy | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
STADS Self-service IT University of Copenhagen | To provide a self-service system where all ITU students can manage study activities; see enrollments and results; apply for furlough and more; generate print-outs; and make temporary address changes. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
STADS Self-service UFM | STADS Self-service UFM | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Scribo | To help students in thesis writing. It will guide students from idea to the actual formulation of problem. | eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Scribo | To help students in thesis writing. It will guide students from idea to the actual formulation of problem. | eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Sectra PACS | For the handling of radiographic imagery for teachers and students on radiographer courses. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
eduroam Self-Service Portal | The eduroam Self-service Portal allows users to onboard their institution to eduroam. Once onboarding has been completed, the portal makes it possible for users to submit and monitor incidents and change request. | cn eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
ServiceInfo | To enable users to subscribe to service specific news and operational information. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Share DTU Test | For the testing and development of the Share DTU web service. | cn eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Share DTU Test | For the testing and development of the Share DTU web service. | cn eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
SimplyPrint Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering | [internal service at Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering] | displayName gn sn | |
Schools' Digital Form Flow | To enable staff at Denmark's vocational colleges to fill in digital forms. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Schools' Digital Form Flow | To enable staff at Denmark's vocational colleges to fill in digital forms. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
SmartKlik | To provide access to a platform for registration of resource use. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
Standard Distribute | Standard Distribute is an online library with PDF versions of all Danish standards. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn isMemberOf schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Statens SSO | Statens SSO | eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonPrincipalName gn logonmethod mobile oioCvrNumberIdentifier sn | |
State and University Library's Library System | To provide access to scientific e-resources and borrowing of library materials. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation organizationName schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Studieblogs | Studieblogs | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Curricula Cphbusiness | [internal service at Cphbusiness] | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Studietube | Studietube | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Studiz - Student Verification Service | To grant access to a service selling discounted items to students. | eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Studiz – Student-ID Service | For the issuance of digital student IDs. | displayName eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn isMemberOf norEduPersonLIN schacDateOfBirth schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Studiz | To grant access to a service selling discounted items to students. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Studiz | To grant access to a service selling discounted items to students. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Sugar CRM | To give access to a web-based CRM. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
SurveyXact | To manage your surveys. SurveyXact enables easy data collection, communication of your results, structuring of work, repeating surveys, and efficient follow-up on surveys. | eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
SurveyXact | To manage your surveys. SurveyXact enables easy data collection, communication of your results, structuring of work, repeating surveys, and efficient follow-up on surveys. | eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Synnefo DeIC | To put virtual machines and storage at the disposal of people affiliated with any Danish higher educational institution. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Synore DeIC | To put virtual machines and storage at the disposal of people affiliated with any Danish higher educational institution. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
TCS eScience Portal | For delivery of personal TCS certificates. | cn eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
TIMEmSYSTEM | The purpose of TIMEmSYSTEM is the management of time in the organisation. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
TUXED | TUXED | eduPersonTargetedID | |
Talentsoft PeopleXS edition | For recruitmentand course administration. | eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Talentsoft PeopleXS edition | For recruitmentand course administration. | eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Templafy | To let you access your institution’s pre-filled document templates for office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. | eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName preferredLanguage schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Testing Service for The Bibliometric Research Indicator | To give access to a system for testing the Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) service. The BFI service provides access to proposing new channels of publication for the authoritative lists, assign levels to these publication channels, and provide access to research data from the Danish universities. | cn eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
TilsynsNet Cphbusiness | To assign invigilators for exams at Cphbusiness. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID | |
TimeEdit Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering | To display schedules, and enable booking of resources, for staff and students at AAMS | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
TimeEdit Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering | To display schedules, and enable booking of resources, for staff and students at AAMS | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
TimeEdit Technical University of Denmark | To display schedules, and enable booking of resources, for staff and students at AAMS | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
TimeEdit University College Absalon | To display schedules, and enable booking of resources, for staff and students at University College Absalon | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
TimeEdit UC SYD | To display schedules and enable booking of resources, for staff and students at UC SYD. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
TimeEdit UCL University College | To display schedules, and enable booking of resources, for staff and students at UCL. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Service Proxy of the Technical University of Denmark | The Service Proxy of the Technical University of Denmark ('DTU') enables access to a number of online services operated by DTU, including that university's Sharepoint service ( | cn eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
University College South Denmark User Management System | UMS | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
UC Viden student portal | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
UC Viden student portal | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
UC Knowledge | For registration and publication of knowledge production. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
UC Internship Portal | To provide, distribute and allocate trainee internships for students attending one of 70 educations that provide internship programs. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
UCL Micro | UCL Micro | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName | |
UCL Projects | UCL Projects | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName | |
UCloud | To provide access to the cloud computing and storage capabilities offered by SDU. | displayName eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn schacHomeOrganization schacHomeOrganizationType sn | |
UNiDAYS - Student Verification Service | To verify you are a student. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
UNiDAYS Student Discount Online | To offer discount from online retailers to users that are verifiably students. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
Uddannelsesrapporter Cphbusiness | Uddannelsesrapporter is used for reporting quality at Cphbusiness. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID | |
VIR-SAAF | VIR-SAAF | norEduPersonNIN | |
VIR-SAAF | VIR-SAAF | norEduPersonNIN | |
VIR-SAAF | VIR-SAAF | norEduPersonNIN | |
ShiftPlanner | To generate automatic work plans as well as help you switch shifts with your colleauges. | cn eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn sn | |
Vejle Public Libraries | To enable you to view status and book materials. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Welcome to RUC | Welcome to RUC | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID norEduPersonNIN | |
Verdensbiblioteket | To provide Danish citizens with access to streaming of a selection of film and music media. Information regarding the user’s municipality of residence is retrieved through a look-up in the Civil Registration System. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID | |
Verdensbiblioteket | To provide Danish citizens with access to streaming of a selection of film and music media. Information regarding the user’s municipality of residence is retrieved through a look-up in the Civil Registration System. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacPersonalUniqueID | |
VideoTool | To provide a media sharing platform for students and staff at subscribing institutions. | eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
Vip-o-matic | Faculty Work Planning and Accounting System | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
WAYF - Emilie | For WAYF - Emilie. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn norEduPersonLIN norEduPersonNIN organizationName preferredLanguage schacCountryOfCitizenship schacDateOfBirth schacHomeOrganization schacHomeOrganizationType schacPersonalUniqueID schacYearOfBirth sn | |
WAYF - RASMUS | To provide access to statistical information on, and estimates of the economic benefit of, the actual use of WAYF. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacCountryOfCitizenship schacHomeOrganization sn | |
WAYF CROWD, Confluence and JIRA | To give the WAYF Secretariat access to administrative systems. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn sn | |
WAYF Entitlement Management Service | To allow an administrator at a WAYF identity provider to give selected users access to selected WAYF services. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrincipalName | |
WAYF Feedback | To provide access to inspecting feedback from WAYF users. | eduPersonEntitlement schacHomeOrganization | |
WAYF Test SP 2 | WAYF Test SP 2 - virtual test SP | cn eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonAssurance eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn gn isMemberOf logonmethod norEduPersonLIN norEduPersonNIN oioCvrNumberIdentifier organizationName preferredLanguage role schacCountryOfCitizenship schacDateOfBirth schacHomeOrganization schacHomeOrganizationType schacPersonalUniqueID schacYearOfBirth sn uid | |
WAYF Testing Service | To enable developers to inspect the extent and syntactical quality of the information sent from an institution every time one of its users attempts to log into a web service through WAYF. | cn cprUuid eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonAssurance eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID eduPersonUniqueId entryUUID gn isMemberOf jpegPhoto norEduPersonLIN norEduPersonNIN oioCvrNumberIdentifier organizationName preferredLanguage schacCountryOfCitizenship schacDateOfBirth schacGender schacHomeOrganization schacHomeOrganizationType schacPersonalUniqueCode schacPersonalUniqueID schacYearOfBirth sn sn street | |
WAYF – MARKUS | For WAYF livelog. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
WAYF – UTILS | For WAYF. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn norEduPersonLIN norEduPersonNIN organizationName preferredLanguage schacCountryOfCitizenship schacDateOfBirth schacHomeOrganization schacHomeOrganizationType schacPersonalUniqueID schacYearOfBirth sn | |
WISEflow | To facilitate digital management of written exams. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation eduPersonTargetedID gn norEduPersonLIN preferredLanguage schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
WebUntis | For web based timetable publishing, room and resource booking, absence registration and course sign-up. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
WordPress UCL | WordPress UCL | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
Zendesk Cphbusiness | Zendesk Cphbusiness | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
Zenodotus eCRF | Zenodotus eCRF is a system for managing electronic case report forms within the Capital Region of Denmark. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn uid | |
Zoom Aalborg University | [internal service at Aalborg University] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering | [internal service at Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Aarhus University | [internal service at AU] | displayName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Aarhus School of Architecture | [internal service at Aarhus School of Architecture] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Cphbusiness | [internal service at Cphbusiness] | displayName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Denmark's School of Media and Journalism | [internal service at Denmark's School of Media and Journalism] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Technical University of Denmark | [internal service at Technical University of Denmark] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Design School Kolding | [internal service at Design School Kolding] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus/Aalborg | [internal service at Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus/Aalborg] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Royal Danish Library | [internal service at Royal Danish Library] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Aathus Business Academy | [internal service at Aathus Business Academy] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom University of the Faroe Islands | [internal service at the University of the Faroe Islands] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom IT University of Copenhagen | [internal service at ITU] | gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom University College Copenhagen | [internal service at University College Copenhagen] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom University of Copenhagen | [internal service at University of Copenhagen] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Copenhagen School of Maritime Engineering (MSK) | [internal service at Copenhagen School of Maritime Engineering (MSK)] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Nota | [internal service at Nota] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom University College Absalon | [internal service at PHA] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom VIA University College | [internal service at VIA University College] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn norEduPersonLIN schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Danish National Archives | [internal service at the Danish National Archives] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Roskilde University (RUC) | [internal service at Roskilde University (RUC)] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Rungsted Gymnasium | [internal service at Rungsted Gymnasium] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Rhythmic Music Conservatory | Zoom Rhythmic Music Conservatory | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom SmartLearning | [internal service at SmartLearning] | gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Danish National Gallery | [internal service at Danish National Gallery] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom University of Southern Denmark | [internal service at SDU] | gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom TEC | [internal service at TEC] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom UC SYD | [internal service at UC SYD] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom UCL | [internal service at UCL] | displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Zealand Business College | [internal service at Zealand Business College] | displayName eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zoom Zealand Academy of Technology and Business | [internal service at Zealand Academy of Technology and Business] | gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
Zorse Media | To provide tools for producing digital signs. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
bibliotek.dk | To provide access to searching the databases of, and ordering materials from, all Danish public libraries. | eduPersonTargetedID schacPersonalUniqueID | |
bibliotek.dk | To provide access to searching the databases of, and ordering materials from, all Danish public libraries. | eduPersonTargetedID schacPersonalUniqueID | |
censorkorps.math.sfx.aau.dk | censorkorps.math.aau.dk is a database of math examiners, catalogueable and searchable, enabling examiners to be found for relevant exams. Site data are public and only editable by people authenticated at their institutions. | cn displayName eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
compute.deic.dk | To allow researchers from Danish academic institutions to process data from data.deic.dk with virtual clusters (stacks) that are administerable and sharable from a web browser. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn organizationName preferredLanguage schacCountryOfCitizenship schacHomeOrganization sn | |
data.deic.dk | To allow researchers from Danish academic institutions to upload, manage and share data. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn organizationName preferredLanguage schacCountryOfCitizenship schacHomeOrganization sn | |
dewa-id.com | dewa-id.com | cn displayName eduPersonAffiliation eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation jpegPhoto schacDateOfBirth schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueCode | |
e-Vote | To enable participation in electronical elections at the universities and other educational institutions. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
e-grant.dk | To process applications and the ongoing administration for research and development grants administered by the Danish Agency for Research and Development on behalf of a number of funding sources, including the Danish Council for Independent Research, the Danish Council for Strategic Research and the Danish Counsil for Technology and Innovation. | cn eduPersonAssurance eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID gn organizationName preferredLanguage schacCountryOfCitizenship schacDateOfBirth schacHomeOrganization schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
eXplorance Blue | For online course evaluations. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
eduVPN The Royal Academy of Music | VPN for The Royal Academy of Music | eduPersonPrincipalName isMemberOf | |
eduVPN | To facilitate the easy creation and management of VPNs. | eduPersonTargetedID | |
eduflow | Eduflow is a learning system focusing on social learning activities like group hand-ins, peer feedback, and og discussions. | cn displayName eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
edumedia 2.0 | To enable people affiliated with any Danish educational institution to upload and publish video material. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
edumedia 2.0 | To enable people affiliated with any Danish educational institution to upload and publish video material. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
edumedia 2.0 | To enable people affiliated with any Danish educational institution to upload and publish video material. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
edumedia 2.0 | To enable people affiliated with any Danish educational institution to upload and publish video material. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
edumedia 2.0 | To enable people affiliated with any Danish educational institution to upload and publish video material. | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
eksamen.ruc.dk | To give the university's students, employees, and examiners access to the digital examination system, enabling both the submission, planning, and validation of examinations. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
ga-auth.kb.dk | ga-auth.kb.dk | eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
gitlab.deic.dk | DeiC GitLab | eduPersonTargetedID | |
http://test-noeglekartotek.ait.dtu.dk/ | http://test-noeglekartotek.ait.dtu.dk/ | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID | |
internetbehandling.dk | To act as a platform for self-referral and screening, and for treatment and self-help programmes. | eduPersonTargetedID gn schacPersonalUniqueID sn | |
itslearning EU | The purpose of itslearning is to enable login authentication to the itslearning LMS for all staff and students at customer institutions, and allow for simple single sign on solution to the customer institution's other web services. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
itslearning auth | The purpose of itslearning is to enable login authentication to the itslearning LMS for all staff and students at customer institutions, and allow for simple single sign on solution to the customer institution's other web services. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
itslearning | The purpose of itslearning is to enable login authentication to the itslearning LMS for all staff and students at customer institutions, and allow for simple single sign on solution to the customer institution's other web services. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
itslearning | The purpose of itslearning is to enable login authentication to the itslearning LMS for all staff and students at customer institutions, and allow for simple single sign on solution to the customer institution's other web services. | eduPersonPrincipalName | |
kmd | kmd | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
lyndaCampus | To provide net-based e-learning. | eduPersonTargetedID | |
media.sciencedata.dk | ScienceMedia is a prototype of a video sharing service expected in the future to enable publishing directly from ScienceData. The service is GDPR compliant; data are hosted either at the customer's own servers or at DTU; and in the latter case, the service provider will offer a data processing agreement. | cn eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn | |
meet.deic.dk | To test support for browser-based video conferencing (WebRTC). | ||
mit.ucl.dk | To be intranet for staff and students at University College Lillebaelt. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName schacHomeOrganization | |
mitCFU | mitCFU | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
mitCFU.DK | Tjenesten mitcfu.dk kan anvendes af alle lærere på folke-, fri- og efterskoler samt lærere på ungdomsuddannelserne (gymnasier og tekniske skoler). ‘Mit CFU’ er én samlet indgang til samlingerne hos Centre for Undervisningsmidler. Læs mere om CFU’erne på cfu.emu.dk. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn schacHomeOrganization sn | |
netbox.client.lan.deic.dk | netbox.client.lan.deic.dk | cn eduPersonPrincipalName gn sn uid | |
reset.fak.dk | For reset of military paswords using NemLog-in. | schacPersonalUniqueID | |
sciencedata.dk | To allow researchers from Danish academic institutions to upload, manage and share data. | eduPersonEntitlement eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonScopedAffiliation gn organizationName preferredLanguage schacCountryOfCitizenship schacHomeOrganization sn | |
scratch.client.lan.deic.dk | scratch.client.lan.deic.dk | eduPersonTargetedID | |
shareIT | To allow users at ITU to create groups and share files and e-portfolios. | cn eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName gn organizationName schacHomeOrganization sn | |
source.coderefinery.org | Code repository hosting for Nordic research software. | eduPersonTargetedID | |
wikIT | To enable students, staff, and faculty of ITU to create and participate in wikis. | eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID schacHomeOrganization | |
www.kb.dk | To provide access with WAYF log-in to the electronic services of The Royal Library. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization | |
www.kb.dk | To provide access with WAYF log-in to the electronic services of The Royal Library. | eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation eduPersonPrincipalName eduPersonTargetedID organizationName schacHomeOrganization |