By Mikkel Hald, 08/08/23
JobTeaser is an online career platform, where students can find information about companies as well as internships and job ads – and is now accessible in WAYF, due to eduGAIN. Consequently, Danish educational institutions participating in WAYF that are JobTeaser customers now have the ability to let their users access the platform using their common institutional logins – without the institutions having to do any technical integration. In addition, each JobTeaser customer institution, thanks to WAYF, won't be spending resources to maintain a dedicated technical connection to JobTeaser – while their students still achieve browser single sign-on with any other web service they access through the institution's login system.
This option of integrating with JobTeaser's platform effortlessly was created through the international collaboration, eduGAIN — where WAYF has enabled users with accounts at WAYF’s institutions to access JobTeaser in our German sibling federation, DFN-AAI. Among the first institutions to utilise the option of effortless access to JobTeaser are Aarhus University, the Technical University of Denmark, and the University of Copenhagen.