Testing WAYF's new hub platform with your web service

With a user account in the WAYF Orphanage identity provider you now have the ability to test if your web service works with WAYF's soon-to-be-deployed new software platform. It's easy:

First, on your (personal) computer locate a system file named hosts. That file on Windows PCs is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\ directory, on Macintosh and Linux machines usually in the /etc/ directory. Once you've located hosts, open it in a text editor of your choice and somewhere in it add the following six lines birk.wayf.dk ds.wayf.dk krib.wayf.dk nemlogin.wayf.dk wayf.wayf.dk wayfsp2.wayf.dk

— then save the file. Please note that hosts is usually write-protected, or accessible to your machine's administrator only. You must make sure you have proper access rights.

Once you've edited your hosts file like that, you can point a web browser to the website of your service, initiate a WAYF login flow in the usual manner, then choose the WAYF Orphanage from the discovery list. When you've logged in at the Orphanage using your account there, WAYF's consent page will be displayed to you. If there you click Yes, you should be logged in at your web service with the user rights corresponding to your Orphanage account. Your service may not (and probably does not) grant Orphanage users access, and in that case, everything works as expected if your service displays its "no user access" error message in the browser. Please tell us if you get a different result from the test. And please notify us when it works, too.

Once you've performed the login test as described above, re-open your machine's hosts file in a text editor, remove the six lines you added before, then re-save the file.

If you perform the login test multiple times but get different results, the reason for that may be that we've changed the software a little in between your tests: The address points to a development machine that we update runningly with improved versions of WAYF's new software.