WAYF replaces its testing environment

Up until now, it has been possible to test an integration with WAYF in a special testing environment, i.e. using special testing metadata for WAYF in the integrator's SAML2-server. That testing environment, however, has now been discontinued. In future, it will instead be possible to test integrations directly in WAYF's production environment, i.e. using WAYF's production metadata. Here, however, only a single identity provider will be available, i.e. WAYF Orphanage.

Whereas it was possible previously to connect to WAYF's testing environment without involving the WAYF Secretariat, the latter now has to approve manually the testing of any new connection. The requesting is done by the integrator saving metadata in WAYF's metadata registry, JANUS, in the state Pending production. The WAYF Secretariat will then receive a notification e-mail and consider the request.

On the other hand, you will no longer have to change metadata at the point in integration where your connection is promoted from testing into production: In both scenarios a single set of metadata is to be used, i.e. WAYF's production metadata.